Excerpt from “The Rhino Letter” written by the Vosloo siblings.

Together we can create a brighter tomorrow for South African learners and wildlife.

The Lighter for nature endorsed BRhino Balls project raises funds for strategic school projects and promotes wildlife conservation through the sale of rhino dung eco-firelighters.

Inspired by a moving letter written by the dynamic-rhino-loving daughters of Lighter for nature’s founders, the initiative strives to educate children on the merits of conservation and entrepreneurship.

BRhino Balls

An eco-friendlier firelighter made (almost entirely) from rhino dung.

100% Non-Toxic • Odourless • Waterproof • No residue


Every BRhino Balls purchase contributes R1.00 (One Rand) towards protecting our rhinos.

R35.00 Including 15% VAT

Order in your estate!

You can also order your eco-friendlier firelighters in your estate!

For a limited time we offer you the opportunity to sell in your estate and earn extra pocket money.

Contact us

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